TRMG Re-Branding

The Risk Management Group is a multi-state privately-owned company that specializes in Commercial, Aviation, and Personal insurance. They specialize in custom policies negotiated directly with underwriters.


TRMG Insurance


Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Lightroom
Adobe After Effects


Project Brief

After 4 years, TRMG wished to re-design their brand to be more "modern" and simplified as their previous logo was difficult for them to use in-print. They wished to keep the idea of an emblem while not straying too far away from their identity.


To preserve the branding familiarity, the shape of the emblem and the sectional splits were maintained. As they offered a multitude of insurance options, variants of the brand were created to illustrate the different divisions of the company. To reinforce trust for both new and existing customers, the palette was changed to be more saturated and less stark. Furthermore, a new typeface was selected to stray away from the academic feel. Branding was overhauled with a clearer direction; using large images and minimal type with clever writing.

While trying to idealize a logo for the brand, a number of different directions were explored in the form of the previous emblem shape. Some of the directions strayed too far as part of the process, but helped to narrow down the winning design.

The new TRMG logo is comprised of a similar emblem shape as the previous logo, but with an inner uppercase T and lowercase i; each letter referring to the initials in the company's full name. The previous four segments have been simplified into two; each segment representing individual and business insurance. The company name was consolidated to simplify the brand and clear any notions that it is a consultation company.

Several versions of the logo were created to represent each insurance type the company offered. The respective areas being aviation, personal, and commercial insurance; each having their own color association.


A new palette was developed to convey calmness and trust through alongside associated humanistic forms; curves and circles. Imagery was given a monochromatic palette as contrast and as a dash of solemnity.

The typeface chosen for TRMG were chosen to communicate modernity, sophistication, and professionalism. Neither typeface selected was for the company was given a overly-bold feel as to let designs breathe while allowing focus on imagery.

Satin Sheen Gold


Cornell Red


Celtic Blue


Forest Green


Dark Green


The branded colors for TRMG were chosen based on the notion that their clientele receive personalized plans using underwriters; high-earning individuals and businesses are a big sector of that. Thus, the main two hues of Satin Sheen Gold and Dark Green were chosen to compliment each other and invoke a high-end luxury feel that shows the company can be trusted. Cornell Red, Celtic Blue, and Forest Green are used as secondary colors and only for their perspective division. But, all three colors are only used in small applications as their vibrancy can overwhelm the two main hues.

Collaterals used the primary color of the new logo alongside a complementary green. If the collateral called for using one of the three variants of the logo, the primary palette was substituted. The shape of the emblem was further reinforced through similar shapes as adornment.