Guaranteed Truck Protection is a Florida privately-owned company that insures licensed trucks in the event of an accident. They have an established relationship with many insurers.


Guaranteed Truck Protection


Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Lightroom


Project Brief

GTP is an insurance start-up private business that specializes in commercial truck GAP coverage. The client expressed they wanted their brand to exude modern, simple, and protective qualities.


Inspired by retro trucker badges and interstate highway imagery; simple form and bold type. Triangles as a physical form are exceptionally rigid and are used in highway signage to warn of incoming possible dangers. The brand uses simplistic red triangles to mirror the logo that was created by a previous designer.


Despite having an existing logo, a new palette was developed to give broader range usage instead of just red, white, and blue that the previous logo would suggest. Part of the logo's DNA was used for the new branding to inform viewers that the company is focused on commercial truck GAP.

The triangle GTP motif was taken into account in every aspect of the branding; dashes were replaced with the form in between the phone numbers. The business cards were kept simple and  a thin red border is used to differentiate the feel from other companies'.